Falun School Acknowledging Truth and Reconciliation

On Monday, September 26th, Falun students, staff, and parents were honored to have three special guests share their knowledge and experience regarding residential schools and Plains Cree culture. Local Cree Elder and residential school survivor Donald Johnson shared a part of his residential school experience. He provided a message that focused on how a positive perspective on life can help people move through difficult life experiences. Following Mr. Johnson, residential school survivor and pow wow dancer Willard Cutknife provided a demonstration of traditional Cree dancing dressed in full regalia. To conclude the assembly, Mr. Cody Crier spoke about the importance of the drum in Cree culture and provided the drum beat and song for the dancing. He sang and drummed an honor song for the children who did not return home from residential schools. Thank you to our guests for sharing some hard truths and demonstrating that, with an open mindset, we can all move toward creating accepting communities where all students matter all of the time.